Have you found yourself on and off of diets your whole life? Are you constantly comparing yourself to images of perfect people on social media? Do you follow “Fitness inspiration” pages online? Are you in a constant battle with the scale? Do you use the terms “good”, “bad”, “treat”, “junk” or “cheat day” in relation…
Natural Ways to De-Stress Your Life
Our modern world can be hectic with many of us balancing the responsibilities of family, work and outside interests. If you find your stress levels are on the rise then there are some simple things that you can do in order to de-stress your life. Activities to de-stress If you’re dealing with a chronic level…
20 Ways To Get Healthier Right Now!
These days, more than ever, we need ways to get healthier right now. ASAP. Higher stress levels, distressing news and media, things changing all around us, and more can distract us from taking care of ourselves. Being on a health journey is exactly that. A journey. There is always something you can do to improve…
3 Bedtime Habits of Highly Successful People
Not that long ago, it’s fair to say sleep wasn’t much valued in our workaholic culture. Again and again, prominent figures in the business, political and even artistic spheres would claim to get desperately little sleep each night, effectively condemning it as dead time. However, the idea of minimal sleep has gradually fallen from fashion…
8 Reasons You’ll Love A Weighted Blanket + Sonno Zona Unboxing
Snuggling under a weighted blanket is all the rage right now… but, are they all they’re cracked up to be? In short… YES! And, science is behind them 100%. I have to admit, before Sonno Zona contacted me, I’d not really paid much attention to them. I mean…I’d heard of them, of course, but not…
How To Eat Healthy At Restaurants
Learning how to eat healthy at restaurants can be a tricky thing. Whether it’s the occasional treat or eating out all the time due to business or lack of time to cook, eating out at restaurants and maintaining a healthy diet can actually be quite easy. How To Eat Healthy At Restaurants 1) Chug a…
Slow Down Aging: 7 Healthy Habits To Include In Your Daily Routine
The aging process is not something we prefer to think about. But, as we look in the mirror, we gradually begin to notice how our skin changes. While it is true that we cannot stop the passing of time, it is just as true that we have plenty of solutions to slow down aging It…
10 Best Foods For Hair Growth
This post may contain affiliated links. We only promote products and companies we love and trust. To learn more please read our Disclosure & Privacy Policy Growing your hair out can seem like it takes forever. In fact, the average rate that our hair grows is about 0.5 inches per month and 6 inches per…
4 Simple Tips to Stay Fit and Healthy (Without Dieting!)
I think we could all agree that dieting and giving up your favorite treats can be a pain in the… lower back. Are you planning to improve your wellbeing and shed some pounds for the upcoming summer? Still figuring out how to escape dieting in the process? Learn how to stay fit and healthy without…
Is Becoming “Veganish” A Real Thing?
The variety of healthy diets circulating currently, that actually work, is astounding! The common factor among them being that it’s a lifestyle change, not just a short term diet. One such “diet” being the Vegan diet. And, it’s the one that might just be the biggest commitment of all. But, what happens when you love…