If you’re like me, coming down with a cold or other type of bug usually happens at the most inconvenient time. You know….. at the times when you aren’t home with your creature comforts and your own bed? There’s any number of reasons this can happen but the good news is, there is a way to kick it before it starts. Next time you’re hitting the road, try these tricks to stay healthy while traveling.
Maybe these bugs take hold because of stress. Good stress from the excitement. Bad stress from worrying it won’t all get done.
Maybe its from eating out more often than I’m used to. You know….to keep the fridge as clean as possible before leaving and of course eating out while traveling.
OR, perhaps it’s from siting any length of time in an airplane where there is re-circulated air and close quarters with everyone else’s germs.
There are a ton of reasons your immune system can go down at the worst possible moment. Here’s how I like to get in a little preemptive strike…
How To Stay Healthy While Traveling
1. De-stress.
Did you know that good stress creates the many of the same reactions in the body as bad (like bringing your immune system down)? I ‘m not saying all stress is bad….it’s more an indicator of high emotions and high energy.
So for that reason I always start de-stressing about a week in advance and keep up with that routine for up to 2 days after getting home. You can do whatever works to help you feel calm, even, and peaceful. For me I prefer things like
- yoga
- making packing lists and lists of things that need to get done. Organize.
- eat clean and healthy (food affects your hormones and stress levels!)
- meditate – just a little 5-10 min of sitting quietly, visualizing the trip going smoothly, having fun, enjoying family or new things, etc.
- clean my home – I’m one of those, yes. I stress if I feel like I might come home to a dirty house.
- wear and diffuse essential oils that de-stress
2. Take your vitamins
Taking a good multivitamin is good for your health in any situation. If you tend to be a little inconsistent in adding that to your everyday routine, then make for darn sure, it’s in your week-before-a-trip routine! If your body is low on essential nutrients, it cannot function at its best.
When shopping for your vitamins, you get what you pay for. Inexpensive synthetic vitamins are not easily absorbed by the body, if at all. If you spent $5 (even on sale) on a 3 month supply, they probably aren’t doing you much good. These are the ones we like, still reasonably priced, but not synthetic, made by a reputable company. They have Children’s Vitamins, prenatals (they’re an anti-nausea formula!!!), and multivitamins, as well as many other things to choose from
3. Eat more fruits and veggies
Heavy, high calorie foods such as processed meats and carbs actually bring your immune system down. But, eating a few extra servings of fruits and veggies, even switching to organic whole grains in that week before, can give you a boost in vitamins, fiber, water intake, and energy, taking a whole load of stress off the body.
Eating healthy is easier than ever lately. There’s such a huge demand for it that grocery stores, in their ready made section, and restaurants all have healthy options to choose from. So amidst all the treats of vacationing, be sure to throw in some of those healthier options every day and your body will say “Thank you <3”.
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4. Stay Organized
Staying organized is key to keeping stress low. Some feel this aspect more heavily than others. Personally, I’m bad, and I sweat the little things…I’m working on it.
So if you’re like me, make all the lists. Heck, make lists of your lists (yep, had to do that a few times to feel sane).
Clean your home, pack early, make folders of all the important papers and travel documents. Whatever it takes for you to be able to leave home and not feel like you forgot something, and, not have to take care of extra things when you get home.
5. Fresh Air and Sunshine
Taking a walk outside not only can help you relax and quiet the mind, but gives you some serious immune boosting help. Vitamin D is essential for a strong immune system and is one of the only 2 vitamins the body can make (vitamin K is the other one) A little sunshine is all the body needs to give you that benefit. About 15-20 minutes is just enough.
6. Use Essential Oils and Other Natural Things
There are so many really good natural products on the market to help boost your immune system. Essential oils are a really great easy one to do before and doing your trip. Make roll ons of your favorite blends, and use them in your diffuser. I recommend during times of travel, to stick with de-stressing, and immune boosting blends.
As for other supplements, there are teas, herbs, colloidal silver, etc. A whole world of natural goodness to help you out.
Personally I like to keep it simple and stick to the basics. Here’s what you’ll find in my bag:
- Multivitamins
- Colloidal silver liquid and gel – This is my basic first aid go to combo. I get cold sores, without fail, every single time I get on a plane. Why????? These two help kick those and any other annoying viruses and bacteria before they have a chance to take hold
- Essential oil rollers – just a few of my favorite blends
- Sleepy time blend for me and the munchkin
- a Headache and Sinus Relief blend
- and an antiviral roller that smells Ah-mazing.
Next time you hit the road for some quality family time or adventure, try these tricks stay healthy while traveling. It will help keep you and your family well rested and in top shape! Safe travels!!!