Do you know how to buy essential oils (Yes, there’s a trick to it)? Does the thought of using essential oils leave you with a million questions? I can totally understand!
With essential oils being one of the hottest trends, and one that isn’t likely to die out any time soon, there are a lot of need to know facts. How do you buy essential oils and how do you know they’re good quality?
Essential oils are sold everywhere now….grocery stores, Amazon, target, walmart, health stores, your friends. Everywhere. And prices vary a lot between these places. These discrepancies might lead someone to think it’s all a big load of hooey. I promise the hype is well deserved. You just need good quality essential oils that are appropriate for your needs.
How To Buy Essential Oils
Here’s something you may not know. There is very little regulation on the quality of herbs, supplements, and essential oils. This is world wide. That’s scary, right?
A company can claim their product is the best thing since sliced bread and there is very little that can be done if they aren’t being truthful. So how can you tell the good from the bad?
5 Things to look for when shopping around
Check prices among various companies. Some oils really are only $5 (like Lemon), and some really are over $100 (like Frankincense or Rose). This is due to availability and how much plant it takes to create the oil. Do some research to make sure the price is consistent with other reputable companies. If you see an expensive one, like Rose, for a very cheap price, keep looking.
The Latin Plant Name
All the reputable companies I know of have both the common name and the latin name printed clearly on the label or ingredient list. This is very important because some plants have many varieties and in certain instances you need to be very certain you have the right kind. Particularly, when using oils while pregnant or around children. If the latin name doesn’t appear anywhere, then there’s a good chance the oil might be synthetic.
Extraction Method
How the oil was made is very important. Most companies use cold pressing and steam to extract most oils. The method should be clearly stated in the product profile or separately on the website or brochure. If this information is not available then chances are, you should keep shopping around.
Organic Oils
If you are of a sensitive nature (chronic skin or respiratory issues), and if you can afford the organic version of any oil, it is a good investment. Essential oils are the strongest form of a plant you can get. In some oils it takes hundreds, maybe even thousands of pounds of plant material to make one ounce of essential oil. That means any chemicals used to grow the plants are in your oils as well. Organic and wildly harvested plants have much lower levels of chemicals.
Instructions and Contraindications
Does the website for the company list instructions and contraindications? It is important to know what each oil does and what ages it is appropriate for. Many oils are not appropriate for children and pregnant women. Even pets are very sensitive to many oils that can be diffused into the air. Clear instructions for what to do or not to do is important.
Beware of MLMs
What is an MLM company? MLM stands for Multi Level Marketing. These are the companies your friends might be selling from. Now, the problem isn’t with the company themselves. Companies like Natures Sunshine, DoTerra and Young Living have excellent quality. They fit ALL of the criteria I mentioned above.
So, what’s the problem? Many certified aromatherapists are representatives of these companies, however, most of the representatives are not certified aromatherapists.
Just to clarify, this isn’t a judgement on salespeople. Many know their stuff inside and out, but that comes with time. Sales reps aren’t required to be certified (I could go on an hour long soapbox rant about how dangerous that is!). Memorizing all the information that comes with using (and selling) essential oils takes time.
Essential oils are nature’s original medicine, going all the way back to biblical times. They aren’t just plant oils that smell nice. They affect your health. Ergo, un-certified sales reps are giving you advice about your health.
While their intentions are most likely pure, it’s always a good idea in ANY situation to do your own research and make an educated decision on what will work for you and your family’s needs. Any good representative will be able to steer you towards a wealth of unbiased resources.
In my professional opinion, my top 3 favorite, most affordable brands for good quality essential oils are Nature’s Sunshine, Plant Therapy (who has a kid safe product line), and Mountain Rose Herbs. However, there are many that are good quality. If you have one you are curious about, just ask in the comments!
Essential oils are a fabulous way to boost your immune system and are generally one of the safest and most versatile ways to easily add natural healing practices to your every day life. Good quality essential oils and knowledge of proper use are the two single most important aspects of the journey.
Now that you know how to buy essential oils, get shopping!! They are both fun and addicting (in a good way!) with a million ways to use them