Effective workouts can be a little elusive sometimes. Maybe you’ve hit a plateau and need to change things up. Maybe you’re just starting out and are having trouble giving it your all. Or, perhaps, you just don’t love exercising but you know you need to. Try these 7 workout tips for beginners – They make ALL the difference in the world!
7 Effective Workout Tips For Beginners
1. Find Your “Why”
I’m starting the THE most important one. Ready?
In order to give a workout your all every single time, you not only need a goal but the reason behind it. Your reasoning needs to be based in you; you need to really want it.
If you go in there with the goal of losing 20 pounds but your why is “The Dr. told me I needed to lose a few pounds” chances are, you may or may not succeed, and it’ll take you much longer. Humans have an incredible survival instinct that makes us inherently selfish in our desires. If we truly want something, something that really speaks to our soul, we will find a way.
How to adjust your why:
Fill in the blank: The Dr told me I needed to lose a few pounds because ____________.
That blank is your real why.
Some of you may want to take it further if it helps to motivate you: “If I don’t, the effect will be _________________.”
This one really deserves it’s own post but i’ll move on for now…
2. Do something fun!
Hate getting on a treadmill? Don’t get on one! Your workout options are so numerous you could try a new one every week for a year and STILL have options.
Make it a goal to learn something fun! You could make a goal to learn to dance. Or you could try pole fitness, or hiking outdoors, or swimming. The world is your oyster.
3. Bring a friend
There are 2 types of people. Those who like to workout alone, and those who need the buddy system. No shame in either one. Some people thrive on competition, and some love that the company takes their mind off the workout.
BUT….that being said, know what kind of person you are. If you prefer exercising alone, then don’t agree to be someone’s buddy
4. Eat energizing food
Food has everything to do with energy levels! We all know that feeling when you eat a really heavy mid day meal and then around 3 in the afternoon you’re exhausted (…exactly like Thanksgiving).You can follow these tips for eating healthier when you’re super busy
The form you have selected does not exist.
5. Find the right time
There are many opinions about what is the best time of day to work out. Not a morning person? perhaps morning isn’t the right time to work out. Feel like a nap after your work out? Evening workouts might be best for you. Work schedules and family schedules aren’t the only thing to consider when building a routine!
Speaking of work….
6. Find a favorite location
Location can really make or break a workout routine. Find something convenient to your work, even if it’s at work (there are tons of amazing exercises you can do with an office chair)
Everyone is a little bit different in this. Outdoor people vs indoor people. Is it a hassle to get to the gym or studio? Maybe you hate the idea of people looking at you while you work out….There are a million great home workouts available for free or cheap (this is the option I take most days m’self!)
7. Make it easy on yourself
As well as making location convenient, also make sure to spend 3 minutes the night before getting things set and ready so you’re prepared for whatever schedule you set for yourself. Pack whatever clothes you’re going to need, any healthy snacks, maybe even a protein shake pack where all you have to do is add water to your bottle. Pre plan an easy hairstyle if your doing a morning workout, things like that. As with most things in life planning and preparation are the key to success.
So the next time you’re needing a little something extra in your workout, try one…or even all these workout tips for beginners and see your fitness level skyrocket!